
Enterprise Grade Security And Configuration

DLP (Data Leak Prevention) and much more.
Strict control and policies can be implemented

  • User only allowed to send emails to specific vendor and customer email addresses or domains.
  • Emails from certain domains can be blacklisted for strict data confidentiality.
  • Moderation of emails: Option to moderate every email leaving your organisation or coming into your organisation.. All emails land in the hold queue and must be released by moderator or friendly email domains / email addresses can be marked safe for free flow of emails.
  • Only allow safe attachment types for certain departments for sending or receiving of emails.
  • Highly flexible email monitoring setup. Setup bcc rules for email surveillance. Once configured, manager can start getting copy of all team members working under him.
  • Detail configuration and transaction logs available in form of reports.

QR code based access control for secure admin login on mobile or tab devices
2 factor authentication available to securely access your admin account.